Refund and Returns Policy
In What Situation Can I Claim The Refund?
Notice: The money-back-guarantee is not applicable in the following situations:
10. Guarantee Policy is not applicable to Avaya, Oracle, VMware, Salesforce, HP, Amazon, (ISC)2, ISACA, EMC, Fortinet, F5, Google, HP, IBM, PMI, Oracle, Riverbed and GIAC exams as these Vendors change these exams frequently. Even we offer real exam questions for these exams but we cannot guarantee these dumps are valid every day.
111- There is no money back or refund if you changed your mind after purchase.
12- If you can’t download the file after purchase, just change of mind then a 25% fee charge are included.
13- Some Indians trying to cheat us, buy a product and open disputes. For this reason no money-back guarantee.
14- Dispute will not acceptable. You need to discuss the issue with our team.
15- If you demand a refund without appearing exam, then no money back or refund.
16- No proxy claim is entertained at all.
17- If you get free online engine access, then you can not claim your money back.
( would like to offer another 1 free exam if who failed these exams. )
How to Claim a Refund or Exchange?
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